Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I know that there are a number of people who enjoy reading this thread and I want to apologize for not updating it over the last several days. On Wednesday night I started to come down with shakes, a fever and body aches. Since Weds. up until now my temp has not dropped below 102 degrees, and has been as high as 104.1. I finally decided I should go to the doctor yesterday since I'm due to have the boobs I never knew I had in the first place taken off on Friday and they said I'm just sick from that, but its also possible I have some kind of infection so they put me on antibiotics. I'll keep you all updated as to how I'm coming along after friday. The surgeon has told me that the mesectomy is not too terrible for men and I can probably go home late the day of the surgery or early the next afternoon if I want so long as it's draining correctly and the pain is under control.


dsb said...

take care of yourself

dsb said...

take good care of yourself

dsb said...

and I'm serious !!