Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A new years message (early)

Someone much wiser than me once said you can have anything you want in this life provided that you are truly willing to pay for it, but the price is rarely paid in dollars and cents.
With this being the New Year many people are taking stock of themselves and their lives. One of the things that I think everyone who wants to be successful should do is write down specifically what you would like to accomplish. Now you have to take it a few steps further. Identify how you are going to get their. What tools do you currently have at your disposal and how can you employ them to further yourself. What obstacles are standing in your way, and what must you do to overcome them? Very clearly in your minds eye see for yourself the success that you want to have, create it.
You will find this worth the effort.
For me it has been! When I was a young man dreaming of a better life for myself I could have never imagined the highs and lows I have gone through. But, along the way there have been losses along with the gains. I have lost friends because their lifestyles and goals did not mesh well with the ones I had for myself. I have lost social time with other friends and with my family. So, it is important for each person to look at what you truly want to become, and then honestly look at the price and decide if you can pay it. If you find that you can the journey will be long and hard, but in the end I think it is also wonderful. If you look at the cost of success in this business though and find that it is one you do not want to pay then I would urge you to stop. I know far too many people that look back on the time they spent trading and do not have happy memories, they look back on lost money, lost relationships and lost time. Time is something I have learned (the hard way) over the last few years is something very precious, it is one of very few resources that can never be replaced once lost.
I hope this post makes you think. Not just about your trading, but about life as we head into the new year. I plan to greatly expand upon it later, maybe even with a few videos. Taking this idea from start to finish has really been, for me, one of the most powerful things I have done for myself.

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